If you would like to add any of the BlueSlugg search engines to your website / blog/ webpage, please feel free to do so. The search engines will automatically update as I make changes to the customized search engine.

The main (college-level) search engine:


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    s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s);




The Journal Search engine, a search engine designed for professional researchers to search the scientific literature:

The Embed code for the Journal Search engine is temporarily unavailable due to the process of upgrading to the 2.0 version - which will ideally be faster and more efficient.

Creation Search Engine - This is a search engine design to exclusively search websites of scientists who are Young Earth Creationists. Only websites from PhD scientists who are well respected in their fields are included. The only exception to this rule are a couple of web sites in the GreenSlugg network. Since I am a biotech major, I have worked very hard to make sure that the information from these sources is accurate. Most scientists are Evolutionists, but I really think that is because so few scientists have been able to accurately research what Scientific Creation has to say for themselves. Instead all they know is what they have heard through the grapevine - which is generally not an accurate depiction of what Creation Science actually teaches. For example, Creation Scientists do not deny natural selection or speciation, however they are routinely accused (falsely) of believing that species do not change. I would challenge anyone who is skeptical to research the claims of these scientists for themselves with an open mind, and without a preconceived prejudice. Unfortunately far too often in science when an idea is proposed, there are those who are there to poison the well and misrepresent an opposing voice so that the opposing voice is never heard. As much as we do not want to believe it, herd mentality, and even angry mob mentality, are very much a reality in the scientific community. As a result many well respected researchers have lost their jobs for merely not agreeing with Neo-Darwinian Evolution - including at least one evolutionary biologist, Dr. Richard Sternberg. (Note, just for clarification, this particular search engine does not include the works of Intelligent Design researchers, such as those at the Discovery Institute, or the works of dissenting evolutionary biologists, such as Dr. Sternberg. This particular search engine was designed to be exclusive to scientists who are Young Earth Creationists.) For more information on this topic see my Creation VS Evolution section of GreenSlugg.com 


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